The National Bedlington Terrier Club


Latest Open Show Results

All the winners from the latest NBTC Open Show


National Bedlington Terrier Club Trophy


Conekesheved Out Of The Blue 
National Bedlington Terrier Club Open Show BIS 2023


 Janmark name of the game = Miss M Hanes


Conekesheved Out of the blue
Janmark Man in the middle 


Janmark Name of the game 
CH Rathsrigg Willow 


Conekesheved Out of the blue


Mayor tufts at mactufts 

Dog CLASS Winners

  1. Conekesheved Out of the blue

1.Janmark Man in the middle

2. Mactufts Brave Mans Game

  1. Conekesheved Out of the blue
  2. little Bristle Charmer
  1. No entry

no entry

veteran dog

Mayor tuffs at mactufts


mactufts Brave Mans Game

Bitch CLASS Winners

  1. Terrablue Spirit
  1. Janmark Name of the game
  2. Worth Waiting for from Ycart
  3. terrablu spirit

no entry

  1. Raphaelyans Unzip to rosine at mactufts
  1. Ch rathsrigg willow
  2. mactufts nanny mcphee
  1. terrablue Spirit


National Bedlington Terrier Club Open Show.Saturday 23rd March 2024. I would like to thank the National Bedlington Terrier Club for inviting me to judge their open show 2024. My appreciation also to my stewards on the day and exhibitors who gave me the opportunity to assess their dogs. , I thoroughly enjoyed myself as I hope did they.PD. 1. 1st. Mr J & Mrs L McNally. Conekesheved Out of the Blue.Quality blue dog puppy of 9 months. Well proportioned with correct topline, ribs deep and flat, good tail carriage. Coat of decent colour and texture, exceedingly well presented. Head long and tapering, with correct bite.. A little slow to settle but when he did moved round the ring very well. BP & BIS.JD. 2. 1st. Ms M Hanes. Janmark Man in the Middle.Up to size blue dog, however of good proportions. Moderate angulations , good ribbing and topline. Nice length of neck leading to sloping shoulders. Scull rounded, jaws long with large teeth.Moved soundly with typical gait very well handled RBD.2nd. Mr M & Mrs H Nunn. Mactufts Brave Mans Game.Blue dog similar to first, though not the head proportions. Deep ribcage. Moved steadily and well handled. Preferred topline and tail carriage of 1.PGD. 2. 1st. C. Out of the Blue.2nd. Mr K. Blakey. Little Bristle Charmer. Nice sized working type dog with good pigmentation and dark blue coat. Pleasing expression, nice eye and dentition. Movement difficult to assess as was very excited by being in the ring.LD. 1 (1abs),OD. 0.SBD. 2 (1abs) . M Brave Mans Game.VD. 1. Mr S. Ross, Mrs G M Ross, Miss R S Creggan. Major Tufts at Mctufts.Correct sized 7 year old blue dog with good coloured coat. Decent head and good dentition. Well off for bone and well muscled, moved soundly. BV.PB. 1. 1st. E Jackson R Jackson. Terrablue Spirit.Blue bitch of 8 months in excellent coloured coat. Lovely head and expression. Still a baby and could do with a little more ringcraft training. However her proportions are good and she has time on her side. A very happy girl.JB. 4. ( 1abs). 1st. Ms M Hanes. Janmark Name of the Game.Beautifully turned out blue bitch just out of puppy. In a coat of good colour with excellent furnishings. Excellent ribbing and topline, with good tailset and carriage. Nice length of head with small dark eye and fine ears. Moved very well. BB.2nd. Mr K K Fraser Mrs T Butler. Worth Waiting for from Ycart.Nice sized dark blue bitch, more working type. Very well muscled, deep flat sides and good length of neck. Excellent expression and thin velvety ears. Moved well.3rd. T Spirit.PG. 2 (2abs)LB. 3 (2abs) 1st. Mr S Ross Mrs G M Ross Miss R S Creggan. Raphelyans Unzip to Roisins at Mctufts.Blue bitch of correct size in decent coloured coat. Good angulation and topline, well off for bone and very fit. Nice head and dentition with fine ears. Moved well.OB. 4 (2abs) 1st. Mrs M H Phillips LC I J Phillips. RathsriggWillow.Petite blue bitch with a coat of good colour and texture. Lovely make and shape, good angulation and excellent hare feet. Moved very well with a light flowing action. Fine ears and gentle expression but would like a stronger foreface. RBB.2nd. Mr S Ross Mrs G M Ross Miss R E Creggan. Mactufts Nanny Mcphee. Strongly made liver bitch. Very fit and well muscled. Nice make and shape with good topline and tuck up. Very good head with excellent dentition. Moved well close up to 1st.SBB. 1st T Spirit.VB. 1 (1abs)

Trevor Graham (Judge).

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