Puppy Dog
Junior Dog
Post Graduate Dog
Limit Dog
Open Dog
Special Beginner Dog
Veteran Dog
Puppy Bitch
Junior Bitch
Post Graduate Bitch
Limit Bitch
Open Bitch
Special Beginner Bitch
Veteran Bitch
Mr Roy North,
Niddvale Bedlington's,
I would like to thank my fellow committee members and helpers for organising and putting on the show, a great effort by all especially my Stewards who kept the ring flowing smoothly. It was good to see such a good entry on the day and I hope it bodes well for future. I would like to extend my thanks to all exhibitors for their support.
Enclosed are critiques for Bedlington Terrier Classes at:
The National Bedlington Terrier Club Championship Show 13th July 2024
Puppy Dog: 5 entries.
1st Ross & Creggan’s, Mactufts Gentleman's Game
A blue dog of correct size, long head well filled cheeks and dark eye, scissor bite.
Well placed front, good depth to chest nice tailset held on the move. Drives well from the rear and not close but needs to settle on the move to show full potential.
Best Puppy Dog
2nd Jo Nind, Devleigh True Blue
Blue dog that has a typical head with well placed thin ears and dark eye but would prefer larger teeth and stronger foreface. Shows reasonable depth to chest for age and holds front well. Not quite the drive of 1st whilst on the move and still needs time to mature and improve muscle tone, gait and top-line.
3rd Fletcher’s, Maevani Deja Blue
Junior Dog: 1 entry.
1st Macnally’s, Ch Conekesheved Out of the Blue
A smart blue dog with length to head with well set thin ears close to cheek. Would prefer larger teeth and foreface to complete the picture. He has a correct front and depth to chest, good body throughout in pleasing coat well presented. Moves with drive holding correct tailset.
Post Graduate Dog: 3 entries 1 absent.
1st Nunn’s, Mactufts Brave Man’s Game
A blue dog, good scissor bite with depth to skull but lacks some fill to cheek, well set ears and large nostrils. Good tailset and hare feet though coat was pale and would benefit from more guard hair, lacked a little drive and energy on the today move.
2nd Blakey’s, Little Bristle Charmer
A blue dog in darker coat he has a lighter build lacking substance for me although he has good teeth and scissor bite the head could be longer with more depth and quality through the skull. A little tight in the front and a rather steep croup. He was playing up on the move and needs to settle in the ring.
Limit Dog: 1 entry.
1st Bannister’s, Miteymidgets Modern Love JW
Blue dog of substance though not too tall, a powerful head with good length, smooth line through to occiput, scissor bite, large nostrils and correct ear set. Chest deep and fairly broad, forelegs straight and wider apart at chest than feet. Good body with muscular build and pleasing length to height ratio, rear angulation not exaggerated. He moved true and with drive showing roach to top-line.
Reserve Dog CC
Open Dog 5 entries.
1st Bannister’s, Miteymidgets New Vision JW
A dark pigmented blue dog of correct size, in a thick linty coat sprinkled with guard hair standing well out from the skin. He has a powerful head with large teeth set in a scissor bite with room for incisors to set square across the jaw. Depth to skull with well filled cheeks, dark eye and well placed ears. Reach of neck leading to well angled, sloping shoulders. Chest deep and fairly broad flat ribbed, forelegs well placed nice width at the top and sloping into the feet as required. Body muscular with roach over loin, rolling into croup allowing correct tailset. Not too tall on the leg with a good height to length ratio offering a balanced appearance to the eye. Hind quarters well muscled hocks strong and well let down allowing for drive from the rear whilst on the move, with a clear gap between the rear legs and the light mincing, springy movement expected at slower paces, true coming forward or away.
Dog CC & Reserve Best in Show
2nd Mrs C MWorrall’s, Ch Bluesmurf Boogie Woogie
Another Blue dog in good jacket,showing guard hair in the coat. A quality head with thin ears, dark eye, not as large teeth as first dog and little less muzzle. Flat ribbed and deep through brisket down to elbow, forelegs well placed. Shows good tuck up and roach to loin, rollover to croup with correct tailset. Moved well on the day holding his roach carrying his tail low, a pleasing balanced dog.
3rd Mrs E Scott’s, GB CH/IR Ch L’ End Show Melody Maker
Special Beginners Dog 3 entries.
1st Nunn’s, Mactufts Brave Man’s Game
2nd Mr & Mrs Lowe's, Bisbee Bulldozer with Tessarion
A taller dog longer in leg and little square of build, he has a scissor bite,well placed thin ears. A nice reach to neck, is flat ribbed with correct hare feet but needs a little more angulation to the hindquarters. Well presented and handled.
3rd Blakey’s, Little Bristle Charmer
Veteran Dog 2 entries.
1st Offer’s, Ch Woolytop the Wherryman ShCm SHCEX VW
Slightly larger blue dog with powerful head, large nostrils, Scissor bite, big teeth width to foreface and smooth rounded cheeks with depth to skull. Body is of pleasing shape with a roach over loin and roll over to give low set tail. Depth in chest, good front and rear quarters moved straight and true.
2nd Ross & Creggan’s, Major tufts at Mactufts
Blue dog with a darker coat than 1st, typical head for breed, scissor bite, good reach of neck although is rather deep through body and a little more length to height would help the over all balance, closer in rear movement and not the drive of 1st.
Good Citizen Dog 0 entries.
Puppy Bitch 4 entries 1 absent.
1st Jackson’s, Terrablue Spirit
At almost a year old this is a nice sized blue bitch in a decent jacket with colour.
A pleasing head with length, a good bite and large teeth, dark eye, large nostrils and good ear set. Flat ribbed and correct front with sloped pasterns. Nice length to back and well set tail. She moves true perhaps a little close behind. Still a little immature she lacks muscle tone and would benefit from some road work to improve her
top-line and spring.
2nd Moore & Chudleigh’s, Devleigh Papa Don’t Preach
A blue bitch just into puppy class, of good type, a quality head with smooth well filled cheeks and thin ears, scissor bite, she lacks a little in foreface to 1st. Carrying a nice puppy coat with colour. Confident for her age on the move and holds a her topline.
3rd Ross & Creggan’s, Mactufts Top of The Game
Junior Bitch 2 entries.
1st Mrs E & Mr W Scott’s, Mickleview Silent Storm
A blue bitch of quality with length to head a scissor bite, dark eye,smooth cheeks and the finest of ears. Standing at around 15 ½ inch she is a good size,deep chest and well made front, and correct angulation to the hindquarters. She moves with drive from rear with an open stance at the hock, holding her roach at loin. Well presented by the handler.
2nd Adler's & Bridgeman’s, Bisbee Bolt From the Blue
Another well presented blue bitch in textured coat of colour, again a quality head although not the length of 1st, still she has a scissor bite, dark eye, although less fill before eye and top quality ears. Reach of neck with sloping shoulders and good front assembly. Would prefer a little more length to body and angulation to
rear was a little shy, which caused movement to be rather stilted on the day.
Post Graduate Bitch 4 entries.
1st Banister’s, Miteymidgets New Variant
A dark blue bitch in good coat, thick and linty with guard hair though not coarse, a little cloudy of top knot but excels in so many other ways. She has fine balance of body length to height, she is muscular and lithe. Dark pigment to eyes, scissor bite
well filled cheeks and good ear set. Good reach of neck leading to sloping shoulders and a correctly built front. Rear angulation is not exaggerated and she moves true front and rear with ample drive.
2nd Alder’s & Bridgeman's, Yarbach Cute Cookie
A blue bitch of fine quality with a narrow head not so strong in foreface with smaller teeth in scissor bite, smooth rounded cheeks and the ideal thin wash leather like ears giving a pleasing appearance. Well pigmented in a good jacket, sound front and rear angulation. Chest deep to elbow, well placed roach and croup with lovely tailset, holding tail low whilst moving nicely today.
3rd Sylvia Morrice’s, Mollora Grey Dawn.
Limit Bitch 7 entries.
1st Mr M Thorne’s, Mollora Black Pearl
Blue bitch in good textured coat with colour and white points. Well shaped head with scissor bite, dark eye plenty of fill to cheeks and quality well placed ears. Reach of neck into a good body with roach over loin and good tuckup. She has flat ribs and correct depth to chest, presenting the correct front placement with sloping pasterns. Hind quarters well muscled and angulated. Holding her tail low she moved true both front and rear holding the roach to her topline, a quality bitch pleased to award her Reserve CC today.
2nd Fraser & Butler’s, Worth waiting for from Ycarts
A dark blue well pigmented bitch in a thick linty coat sprinkled with guard hair, she has good balance of body length to height and stands at the ideal size. A feminine head with scissor bite, depth to skull and good fill to cheek, would prefer little more foreface, but ear set is good and she has pleasing look and temperament. Length to neck and fairly broad flat ribbed chest depth to brisket reaching the elbow allowing for a well placed front. The roach is strong and placed over loin leading to roll over at croup and nice tailset. Hindquarters of moderate angulation with strong well let down hocks. Overall a very sturdy and muscular bitch with good driveon the move, true both coming and going away
3rd Bannister’s, Miteymidgets Twenty Twenty
Open Bitch 9 entries 3 absent.
1st Middlebrook, Howard & Mrs Teresa’s, Tcheria Sweet Tcharity
A blue bitch of correct size in a dark coat of good texture, with silky furnishing to head and legs. She has a quality head with little to fault, scissor bite, dark eye and well placed thin ears. Deep through skull with smooth cheeks and fill before eyes. She is in excellent condition and has a good reach of neck, which she can pose with a slight crest showing the powerful muscle, desirable but not often seen. Chest fairly broad, flat ribbed and deep to elbow. Good front assembly sloping shoulders leading to straight forelegs with width at chest and close at feet, sloping pasterns. Balanced through body with correct length to height, she has a roach at loin rolling over into croup with correct tailset held low on the move. Lithe and well muscled she shows good rear angulation, hocks well let down and set square. Her movement was light and springy with width between hocks allowing her the drive to move true both coming to and away. Holding her topline and tailset she was a pleasure to judge, and I was pleased to award her Bitch CC & Best in Show.
2nd Mrs E & Mr W Scott’s, Ch Janmark Just Do It
Another quality blue bitch with a good jacket and legnth to head, scissor bite, smooth through cheeks, thin ears, dark eye a little less fill to foreface than first. Neck long and tapering runs sloping shoulders well laid back. Good front angulation legs straight and tapering to feet. Chest flat ribbed and deep, nice tuckup and roach at loin. Rear quarters well angulated she has strength through the body and good tailset. She moves true with good paces and drive from rear.
3rd Phillips Mrs M H & L T Col I J’s, CH Rathsrigg Willow
Special Beginers Bitch 1 entry.
1st Jackson’s, Terrablue Spirit
Veteran Bitch 3 entries.
1st Baldwin Mrs S & Mr M, Woolytop Lavender Girl
A feminine blue bitch with a gentle expression. She is the correct size, in excellent condition with strength throughout the body. Fine features to her head, scissor bite, tight flews, dark eye, rounded at skull smooth through cheeks. The ears set correctly hang close to the cheek are thin and have no excess cartilage. Good front and and rear angulation, roach over loin rollover to croup and good tailset.
Held a nice topline and moved well on the day.
Best Veteran in Show
2nd Bannister’s, Ch Miteymidgets Going Global JW SHCM VW
A blue bitch in thick linty coat of darker colour with nice length to height ratio and well built through the body. She has a scissor bite and good depth to skull, a little more fill to forface would be ideal. Thin ears with good length to neck, well angled shoulders and balanced front. Chest is flat ribbed and deep, showing tuckup and roach to loin, hindquarters angled correctly with the hocks well let down. Not quite so much drive on the move as 1st today but very close, could change places another day.
3rd Mrs C MWorrall, Bluesmurf Utrinque Paratus
Good Citizens Bitch no entries.
Dog CC Bitch CC/
Miteymidgets New Vision JW Tcheria Sweet Tcharity
Miteymidgets Modern Love JW Mollora Black Pearl
Best Puppy Dog Best Puppy Bitch
Mactufts Gentleman's Game Terrablue Spirit
Best in Show
Tcheria Sweet Tcharity
Reserve Best in Show
Miteymidgets New Vision JW
Best Puppy in Show
Terrablue Spirit
Best opposite sex puppy in Show
Mactufts Gentleman's Game
Best Veteran in Show
Woolytop Lavender Girl
Best Special Beginner in Show
Terrablue Spirit
Roy North (Judge)