The National Bedlington Terrier Club


About The NBTC

How the Bedlington Terrier Club was formed



Origin of the Bedlington Terrier

Canine books and journals from the 1860’s to date contain almost as many opinions of the origin of the Bedlington Terrier as there are chapters written. One of the most popular beliefs is that they were peculiar to the gypsies in the Rothbury Forest area in the 18th century; this has not been confirmed.

In the 18th century, there were but two types of terrier, the rough and smooth coated types. The popularity of these ancestors of the modern terrier decreased in direct proportion to the increase of those breeds originating from them. By the 1870s, apart from the Rough Scotch they had become extinct. It is from the Rough Coated Scotch Terrier that the Dandie Dinmont and the Bedlington have developed by selective breeding.

Published documents state that a family called Cowney brought into England some of their dogs in the late 18thcentury and it is probable that other migrant Scots imported terriers of a similar mould. It is thought these and the dogs of the area became the forerunners of the Bedlington Terrier.


The Kennel Club Was Formed

In 1874 the first issue of the Kennel Club Stud Book was published. It listed 30 Bedlingtons, the first entry is that of Beauty, owned by Mr A Currie, of Leith, Scotland, whose qualification was a 2nd prize at Edinburgh in 1871.


Breed Development

1875 was a significant year in the development of the breed. A group of fanciers came together to form the Bedlington Terrier Club, and in 1876 a speciality show was held at the Half Moon Inn, Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

This first club was disbanded and reformed in 1882 and immediately published its rules, together with the Breed Standard and a list of judges.

This second club lasted 5 years before going out of existence and a third Bedlington Terrier Club started up in 1887 with Mr W E Alcock, a solicitor from Sunderland was elected its secretary, a post he filled until the club was disbanded in 1892.

Oct 6, 1893

Formation of the National Bedlington Terrier Club

The Scottish Kennel Club Show held at the Waverley Market, Edinburgh from the 4th - 6thOctober 1893 saw a group of 26 enthusiasts come together to found “The National Bedlington Terrier Club”.

The full list of Founder Members consisted of:
W E Alcock; R Anderson; J W Blench; W Brewis; J Cook; J Copeland; H Coulter; J Dryden; W Foster; C A Gilzean; A Holcroft; J Kennedy; A Kidd; F McFadyen; W McShean; A Mitchell; M Patterson; A Reekie; J Rewcastle; D Ross; G Scott; A Shaw; J Smith; E Wakefield; H Warnes and W Wears.

Officers and Committee elected were:
President – William Foster
Secretary – John Kennedy
Treasurer – John Smith
Committee: John Cook, William Brewis, Harold Warnes and Charles Gilzean

A commitment was made by those present to hold future A.G.M.’s of the newly founded club at the S.K.C. October shows held at Waverley Market in Edinburgh.

7th June, 1898

Kennel Club Registration

John Smith had taken the position of Secretary of the N.B.T.C. when “Grant of Title” was received from the London Kennel Club. From its founding between the 4th and 6th of October 1893 the N.B.T.C. has maintained an unbroken service to its members. It has experienced many ‘lows’ but has always survived.

Long may it continue!


Club Centenary

The club celebrated its centenary in 1998 with a Championship show in Bedlington, Northumberland. Visitors from around the world enjoyed a weekend of celebrations.
Friday, March 27th saw the start of a very special weekend with an evening get together at the Bedlington Inn, Bedlington. On the morning of Saturday March 28th, exhibitors and visitors gathered at Bedlington High School for the start of the Championship Show which had drawn an entry of 139 Bedlington Terriers, later that day visitors once again gathered for a social evening with live music to entertain us. Sunday morning saw many set off on a coach tour of the area, taking in many villages and towns where the early Bedlington owners had lived many years ago.

Extracts taken from the Centenary Book of the National Bedlington Terrier Club 1998 written by I J Phillips.

(The above news was found by Mr I J Phillips October 12th 2007)

Over the years the club has had a number of secretaries, one of the longest serving being Mr John Cook who took over on January 1st 1906 and served the club until 31st December 1933. The longest serving being Mrs Alice Emsley who took on the roll from 14th August 1977 retiring 26th March 2011.

Ian first joined the National Bedlington Terrier Club committee in 1966, although he did not maintain unbroken service, he always remained loyal to the club. He was elected President of the club in 1988, which he held for 13 years until illness forced his retirement in 2001, when he was elected to Vice President, a position he was very proud of and held until his death June 2012.

When the club was preparing to celebrate 100 years of Kennel Club registration in 1998, Ian took on the task of producing The Centenary Book of the National Bedlington Terrier Club 1898-1998 donating all proceeds to the club.

He later wrote An Eye for a Second Century which includes a full account of the Centenary Show.


The club has amassed a number of silver trophies over the years; the first to be presented to the club was the Williams Wears Cup in 1901. This is presented to the Best in Show winner at the club’s Open Show in March. William Wears of the ‘Clyde’ Bedlingtons was employed in the licensed trade and was landlord of a number of public houses in the Newcastle and Gateshead area. The most sought after trophy is the Bedlington Coal Co. Ltd Challenge Cup, often referred to as the Bedlington Statuette. This beautiful solid silver model of a Bedlington is now presented for Best in Show at the Championship Show in August. Presented to the club in 1936, the first winner was CH Welldon Adorable owned by Miss M Pattison.

Some of the Cups and Trophies on offer
to members at Club shows

It was won by Mr J Smith's Bedlington Terrier "ORME"

We are indebted to Mr A Young of Dunoon, who kindly donated it to the Club.


These medals were originally presented by the club in the early years in Gold Silver and Bronze colour.

The gold medal was donated to the club by Mr A & Mrs J Clifford of Adington, Oxon. Originally awarded to "Goldseeker" in 1899 owned by J & H Kennedy.

Three Silver Medals were donated to the club by DR KENNETH WALLACE in 1993, along with a silver trophy now known as the Wallace Trophy, and presented to Best Veteran at our Championship Shows.

The Bronze medal was donated to the club many years ago.


This is a sample of the present day medal that is awarded for member's Champions made up in each year

The club continues to grow with a worldwide membership who receives News Bulletins, which are published twice a year, and Bedlington merchandise is available from the membership secretary and online. The club has hosted a seminar on copper toxicosis, a hereditary disease found in the Bedlington Terrier and held several judges training days. A booklet called the Illustrated Standard is also available which includes hints on trimming, and a Guide for Judges, a must for all Bedlington owners and judges.

Membership of the club runs from 1st December to 30th November each year, fees are - Joint/Partnership £12, Single £10, Juniors 6 – 16 years £5, and overseas £15 or £75 for 5 years. To be paid in Sterling. Membership Application on line.

For more information on the club and its shows, contact the secretary or check out the Show Calendar page.

The objectives of the club are to promote the breeding, showing, ownership, appreciation and welfare of Bedlington Terriers.

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