The National Bedlington Terrier Club


Guide for Judges

Information relating to the Breed Standard for Bedlington Terriers

The National Bedlington Terrier Club respectfully draw the attention of prospective judges to the specific requirements of the Kennel Club's Breed Standard. Many are not common to other breeds of terrier, but are essential in retaining the general appearance, characteristics and temperament in the Bedlington Terrier.


Select a truly balanced animal, which conforms to the Breed Standard.

Being about 16" at the withers, it will be of good type, have good muscle tone and be without exaggerations.

It will carry a thick and linty coat of good colour and move in a very distinctive style.

Penalise the shy nervous animal.

Be influenced by glamour.

Remember the sound animal will display drive and purpose in his gait.

Condone the eye-catching 'Hackney action' nor plaiting, dishing and paddling.

Close hind movement is not acceptable.

Head and Skull

Look for a skull that is deeper than it is wide and without protruding cheekbones.

Accept a weak jaw or pinched nostrils.


Mark down weeping or tear-stained eyes.


Encourage the thick leathery ear, with the hard fibrous sinew.


Teeth large and strong, Scissor bite, i.e. upper teeth closely overlapping the lower teeth and set square to the jaws.


Promote the animal with a markedly flexible, muscular body and a natural roach over the loin.

Accept the exaggerated humped back.

The wheel back and flat back also deviate from the Breed Standard.


sketch of the front of a bedlington terrier

Ensure the forelegs are straight and wider apart at the dog's chest than at the feet.

Favour the narrow / gun-barrel fronts, or worse those tight at elbow standing with feet apart.


Encourage over-angulation, it is every bit as faulty as poor angulation.

(Over Angulated)

(Straight Stifle)


Ensure the tail is set on low and is never carried over the level of the back.


Look for the hare foot.

Accept cracked and corny feet.

This defect should be penalised very heavily.


This is a photo of a dog’s pads that’s suffering from this painful disabling condition. Many people in the breed will probably not have even seen a photo never mind a dog suffering with it & it should not to be confused with small cracks that all dogs can suffer from time to time.

This is thought to be hereditary by some as it was once seen in some lines more than others but by careful breeding rarely seen these days. The cracks open well down in to the soft inner pads & will get infected at times with puss weeping out also they have corns on the side of the pads that make the pads spread out & it is very painful for the dog to walk.

More information can be found here

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