Further to previous announcements regarding ‘grandfather rights’ for eligible judges during the five-year transition phase of the Judges Education Programme (Breed Shows), applications using this route are now open, it has been announced.
For progression to award CCs via grandfathering, candidates can self-nominate provided they are included on at least one Breed Club/Council A3 list and/or have a pre-existing JDP Credit Pass for the relevant breed. Each judge must also meet all the Kennel Club’s mandatory requirements for approval to award CCs (see below).
Judges of breeds that do not yet have CC status are advised that they too have grandfather rights which may make it possible to achieve Level 4 status in such breeds. In those cases it is recognised that breed specialists will not have the three Stud Book Numbers (as required for CC judges), but the Judges Committee will take into account dogs owned and/or bred and any significant wins. Breed clubs for non-CC breeds were not previously required to compile an A3 list, but are now encouraged to do so to include those judges which the club is prepared to support through the grandfathering route.
The online form via which grandfathering applications can be made is available within the judges section of website. Please note it is also possible to complete the form manually and submit it to us.
Those judges wishing to grandfather for Groups and Best in Show are asked to complete the PDF questionnaires which can be found under 'Grandfathering applications' and submitted to us via the same form.
It should be noted that all applications made using the grandfathering system are still subject to approval by the Judges Committee and Kennel Club Board. Judges are only able to make one submission per breed, Group or Best in Show and there will be no appeal process available. Therefore judges should ensure they meet the required criteria before making an application.
The current A2 and established approval routes will continue for the entirety of the five-year transition period, with a review taking place once the current routes and the Judges Education Programme (Breed Shows) have been run in tandem for three years. An A2 guidance document is available on our website.
Please also refer to the Frequently Asked Questions. Any queries regarding the Judges Education Programme (Breed Shows) should be directed to Judges Education Programme (Breed Shows) .
A3 list judge (breeds with CC status)
A3 list judge (non-CC breeds)
Judge with JDP credit
Aspiring group and Best in Show judge
1 Stud book band A (including non-CC breeds) – 40 dogs; stud book band B – 70 dogs; stud book band C – 120 dogs; stud book band D – 180 dogs; stud book band E – 250 dogs.
Note: the following stud book band A breeds require a minimum of 30 dogs judged: Australian Cattle Dog; Australian Terrier; Basset Griffon Vendeen (Grand); Bloodhound; Bouvier Des Flandres; Brittany; Finnish Spitz; Glen of Imaal Terrier; Ibizan Hound; Kerry Blue Terrier; Lakeland Terrier; Mastiff; Norwegian Buhund; Norwich Terrier; Otterhound; Pharaoh Hound; Polish Lowland Sheepdog; Retriever (Chesapeake Bay); Sealyham Terrier; Skye Terrier; Spaniel (Irish Water); Swedish Vallhund; Welsh Terrier.
Breeds with varieties require the following criteria (automatic approval is given for a further variety or varieties once approved for a CC appointment in an initial variety): Bull Terriers – 80 dogs of any variety; Chihuahua (Long Coat & Smooth Coat) – 200 dogs of any variety; Belgian Shepherd Dogs (Groenendael, Tervueren, Laekenois & Malinois) – 70 dogs of any variety; Fox Terrier – 70 dogs of any variety; German Spitz (Mittel & Klein) – 70 dogs of any variety; Poodle (Toy, Miniature & Standard) – 150 dogs including at least 30 of each variety; Dachshund (all varieties) – 250 dogs any variety.
2 Mandatory for approval to award CCs in first three breeds and desirable for subsequent breeds.
3 Current criteria – First time group judges must have carried out CC appointments to a minimum of four breeds (three in the working group) in the relevant group. For second and subsequent groups, three breeds are required. The Judges Committee will take into account the diversity and Stud Book Bands of the previously approved breeds together with the number of dogs judged in the breeds for which the judge is not yet approved and any JDP Credits obtained.
4 Current criteria – Judges must be approved to judge one group and to award Challenge Certificates to at least one breed from two other groups. Judges will be expected to have experience in judging across all groups and all relevant experience will be taken into account.