The National Bedlington Terrier Club


24 Nov 09:30 AM
Until 24 Nov, 03:00 PM 5h 30m

Breed Appreciation Day

Kirk Deighton Village Hall Ashdale Lane, Kirk Deighton, Wetherby LS22 4DS, UK

Following on from 2022's very successful Seminar, attended by many breed specialist and non-specialist judges, we shall be holding another Breed Appreciation Day and Group Mentoring session for judges who wish to progress in their judging careers and for all interested in learning more about the breed.

The day will include:

- BAD breed presentation - open to all, whether established judges, aspiring or novice judges, or people who simply wish to learn more about the Bedlington Terrier

- Multiple Choice Examination (MCE) for established judges at JEP Level 1- Group Mentoring session for judges at JEP Level 2

- Hands-on session for aspiring and novice judges who are not yet eligible for JEP Level 1


For a full agenda and application form please contact the secretary Mrs J Oxbury Tel: 07827 916061 Email: click here

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